Taxation Advice and Tax Disputes

Tax costs of benefiting

There is a provision of the income tax legislation which allows any amount an Australian tax resident receives from a non-resident trustee to be taxed as income in Australia. That might sound reasonable at first but the catch is that the tax will be applied to amounts that have already[…]

Losing the Main Residence Exemption

If Treasury Laws Amendment (Reducing Pressure on Housing Affordability Measures No 2) Bill 2018 (‘Bill’) is passed Australian citizens may lose the benefit of the main residence exemption. The Bill has passed the House of Representatives and is before the Senate. If passed it can apply to sales of homes[…]

Here and there: Residency for tax purposes

Determination of residency in Australian taxation law is a complex collection of four separate tests any one of which may deem a person to be a tax resident. A recent decision of the Federal Court1 will not only surprise but concern many tax professionals; particularly comments on Taxation Office Checklists[…]